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Ajit Pai says he’ll help Trump impose crackdown on Twitter …

Ajit Pai says he’ll help Trump impose crackdown on Twitter and Facebook | Ars Technica

15.10.2020 — Ajit Pai says he’ll help Trump impose crackdown on Twitter and Facebook · As Trump requested, Pai proposes to limit social media websites’ legal …

As Trump requested, Pai proposes to limit social media websites’ legal immunity.

iMac_too on Twitter: “Facebook India chief Ajit Mohan appears …

03.09.2020 — Facebook India chief Ajit Mohan appears before panel debating misuse of social media platforms [Read the report for what BJP members asked …

Ajeet Grewal on Twitter: “Whoever broke Facebook was …

Whoever broke Facebook was moving so fast. … Likely a script. So yes, moving fast. … So, @facebook’s DNS is broken this morning… TL;DR: Google anycast DNS …

Brian Solis on Twitter: “Ajit Pai (@AjitPaiFCC) says he won’t …

08.01.2021 — Ajit Pai (@AjitPaiFCC) says he won’t move forward with rule-making on Section 230 and that he won’t “second-guess” Facebook and Twitter’s …

The Indian Express on Twitter: “#Facebook India Managing …

26.07.2021 — #Facebook India Managing Director Ajit Mohan talks about providing space to content creators beyond elite sections, asserts Facebook will …

Dr. Ajit Jha (@drajitjha) / Twitter

The length of your “about me” section on facebook is directly proportional to how annoying you are in real life. 1. Dr. Ajit Jha.

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Ajit Bakery. 27.017 Synes godt om · 5 taler om dette · 6 har været her. Ajit Bakery is the most loved Bakery for Delicious and Quality food products…

FCC Chair Ajit Pai Seeks To Regulate Social Media Under …

FCC Chair Ajit Pai Seeks To Regulate Social Media Under Trump’s Executive Order – CBS San Francisco

15.10.2020 — The Federal Communications Commission will draft regulations intended for Facebook, Twitter and other social media companies following a …

The Federal Communications Commission will draft regulations intended for Facebook, Twitter and other social media companies following a petition earlier this year by the Trump administration.

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